Crate trillium_api

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This crate provides handlers for common http api behavior.

Eventually, some of this crate may move into the trillium crate, but for now it exists separately for ease of iteration. Expect more breaking changes in this crate then in the trillium crate.

Formats supported:

Currently, this crate supports receiving application/json and application/x-form-www-urlencoded by default. To disable application/x-form-www-urlencoded support, use default-features = false.

This crate currently only supports sending json responses, but may eventually add Accepts negotiation and further outbound response content types.

The ApiConnExt extension trait and ApiHandler can be used independently or in combination.

ApiHandler provides a different and more experimental interface to writing trillium handlers, with different performance and ergonomic considerations.


  • Construct a serde_json::Value from a JSON literal.


  • An interface layer built on trillium
  • Run a [trillium::Handler] in before_send
  • Body extractor
  • a struct that halts the Conn handler sequence. see [Conn::halt] for more.
  • A newtype wrapper struct for any serde::Serialize type. Note that this currently must own the serializable type. Body extractor
  • State extractor


  • A serde-serializable error
  • Represents any valid JSON value.


  • Extension trait that adds api methods to [trillium::Conn]
  • A trait to extract content from [Conn]s to be used as the second argument to an api handler. Implement this for your types.
  • Like FromConn, but with an Error.


  • constructs a new [ApiTryFromConnHandler] from the provided async fn(&mut conn, TryFromConn) -> impl Handler

Type Aliases

  • trait alias for a result with this crate’s Error